Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Does something truly always have to be wrong? I mean, have you ever had people come up to you at any and all times of the day, week, month, year or possibly your whole lifetime, and ask you continuously those two annoying words: WHAT'S WRONG? Honestly..that shit is so annoying to me. Okay, i can understand people being concerned, that's fine, and sometimes very reassuring to know that someone cares. But at other times, when people that never gave a damn about you come up to you when you're just sitting there, you know, breathing, existing, get in your face and blurt out, "What's wrong?" It's almost as if this random person is telling you that something is not right with you. And if you tell them nothing, they will say, "You look sad," and you could be just fine, just EXISTING, you know? Not sad or anything, and it is just UGH! Sometimes, or if you're like me, usually, it's just because of the way you look, the way you dress, WHO YOU ARE that people will always assume something is wrong. It just gets old, man. I'll be so happy, you know, maybe because someone said something nice to me, or maybe cause I'm just glad to be alive, and then that 47 faced person will walk on up, dressed in false concern, and glob on a plastered smile and ask you is you're okay, you know, because when you're me something just always has to be wrong apparently. I guess I can't just breathe, just be there, just live, JUST EXIST...

I dont mean to sound rude..This just urks me..and tonight was not by any means a good at all... which reminds me...

WHO AM I? Honestly. Most of the time I feel like nobody..and there is this one person that can make me feel like I'm actually someone that matters, and then makes me feel like no one again..sometimes at the same time..I dont know how they do it, but damn they sure play this game well.

For any of you thinking it, dont bother, Ill say it myself.

I AM: no excuse, no one, pittiful, a disgrace, an abomination, a loser, a freak, a pessimist, an ugly bitch, a faget, evil, cold, disgusting, grotesque, a thug, a punk, no good, lousy, horrible, someone that doesn't deserve even the tiniest amout of a chance...

Thank you for telling ME what I AM. Now I know.

And I say this all with a smile, because one day I will be something to someone.

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