Friday, June 6, 2008

Charles manson

Old Charlie

“Look down at me and you see a fool;
look up at me and you see a god;
look straight at me and you see yourself”
-Charles Manson<3

He's been the punchline of jokes for years, a character in a Southpark Christmas special, and the topic of several hour long specials on the Biography chanel. Yes, it's good old Charles Manson. Im supposed to blog about him, so brace yourself!

Charles Milles Manson. He's currently in jail just because he and his cult [ HELTER SKETER, beeeotch ;] ]raped, murdered and ate some people. And because of that, some people hate him and are even afraid of him. But through this post, I am going to attempt to change your mind. Charles Manson is a murderer, but he is so much more.. He's an artist, a genious, an icon, and dare I say a hero? I agree that that is a bold label for a man that is convicted for life, unable to even try for paroll until 2012 [also the year the world is supposedly coming to an end, possible connection?]. But I am not a person to judge, and I strongly believe that you cannot judge someone until you get to know what they believe in, what they think, what they've been through, what they have tried to say. Therefore, it is not fair to define Charles manson as a bad guy until you try to see things through his eyes. Marilyn Manson, a man who wanted to show the genious and pure side of Charlie as well as the dark and brutal side of Marilyn Monroe through his name, often speaks out about how people generally won't even try to see Charles Manson as a person, but as a symbol of evil. marilyn manson has recorded a version of one of Charlie's old songs ["My Monkey"], along with huge 80's hair metal band Guns 'n' Roses, who recorded a version of "Look At Your Game Girl". These artists saw the beauty of Mr. Manson through his music and embraced that. Still think he's just a psycho cannible? Download "Never Say never To Always" "Eyes Of A Dreamer" and "Man's Son" and see the artist behind the killer.

“In fact, it makes me mad when someone kills snakes or dogs or cats or horses. I don't even like to eat meat - that is how much I am against killing....” words from that "deranged murderer". He made an example of his beliefs, and that is admirable at the very least. he portrays the characteristics most of us spend a lifetime trying to obtain: bravery, honesty, beauty, determination, intelligence, an ounce of originality, need I say more? He would not be nearly as famous if he had kept his mouth shut, but Manson revolutionized the way we think, the way we act, the way we listen to a beatles song. he must have done something right.

In conclusion, no matter what you think of him, at least you think of him, so Charles Manson has accomplished something after all.
